Monday 8 November 2010

Inspiration for images for magazine front cover and mockups!

This image of Paloma Faith on her album cover 'upside down' gave me the inspiration of having my front cover image of a music group posed inside a nest. In the nest of the image, random junk is placed inside like shoes, a toy car and a globe etc. This gave me the idea of having random bits of china in the nest which links with my band name 'The chinadolls'. Paloma herself in the image is dressed up and looks out of place with her settings which is where I had the inspiration for 'The chinadolls' to wear bright and funky clothes but at the same time look like dolls like the band name. The type of camera shot which is used is birds eye view which I included in my mock-up plan also to make the main subjects in the images work. 

This image of three Disney stars gave me the inspiration for my main image on the contents page as the three girls are in a way posed like barbie dolls which links with my band 'The chinadolls' looking like 'china' dolls in the image. The poses which they stand in also gave me inspiration for how the three girls should stand in the image for my contents page, with each girl doing something different. For example, one girl with a hand on her hip and one girl with her hand just by her side. 

In this image, I gained inspiration again from the  singer Paloma Faith, for my image on the double page spread. In this image Paloma Faith is wearing a wacky outfit and sitting on a fancy looking velvet sofa. This gave me the idea for my double page spread image as I would use the idea of a velvet sofa and then have the three girls out of the 'chinadoll' band sitting down sipping tea out of 'china' cups which makes the the main header in the double page spread title 'We are just average girls, who want to have fun!' seem ironic like the music magazine NME when it uses sarcasm. 

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