Monday 11 October 2010

Billboard music magazine front cover!

The target audience of the music magazine 'Billboard' is for young people or people who like popular chart music and famous music artists. I can tell this because most of the strap lines are about chart music and new upcoming ways to download music and video's. The main cover image is of the music artist 'Lily Allen', which relates to the music genre as she is a famous popular artist who has also won a brit award for her music. The main cover image is framed by strap lines on both sides of the image also the shot is a head and shoulder camera shot which makes Lily the centre of the magazine and catches your attention.

The mise-e-scene of the cover image are that Lily Allen is wearing a white tank top and a head scarf which are both fashionable items which also fits in with the magazine being popular and modern. The makeup used on Lily Allen is very natural and the hair also looks very casual but modern which again fits in with the magazine. The overall effect, of the mise-en scene makes the magazine look up to date and current with the times. The cultural cues which are brought to mind are of celebrities which have glossy outlooks and glossy lifestyles. The main colors which have been used n the cover are bright pink and white. These colors contribute to the mood of the image as the white writing matches the tank top Lily is wearing and the white headscarf. The cover image of Lily Allen relates to the target audience of young people and people who are interested in chart music as Lily Allen is young and popular and quite often in the chart. 

The music magazine is called 'Billboard', this title reflects the content of the magazine as the reader aspects to find popular music and artists in the magazine itself. The masthead of the magazine reflects the target audience also as the target audience of people into popular music aspect to find popular music inside. The type face which has been used are bold comic sans font which gives the effect of the magazine being playful and fun. They have also used bold font for certain language like 'Lily Allen' and the subtitles for the strap lines. This gives the effect of mini stories or tasters of what will be inside the magazine. This copy has been placed in an everyday news agents, this is important so that people interested in chart music music can just pick up the magazine instead of having to order it in.

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