Monday 18 October 2010

Mix magazine front cover!

The genre of this music magazine is dance/pop.The target audience for the music magazine 'mixmag' are people who are interested in dance and club music. Also, the target audience are festival loving people and mainly young people. I can tell this because the strap lines on the magazine cover are mostly to do with festivals and music events. The bright colours and cover image also suggests that mainly young people would opt to buying this magazine. The main image is of the singer 'little boots' which reflects the music genre of dance and club music as her songs are mostly funky dance tunes and most her music is probably played in clubs. The cover image is framed by straplines and pugs which advertize the latest music events and clubs. The actual camera shot of the cover image is a zoomed in shot which cuts out little boots's the lower legs. I think this shot has been used to make the main focus little boots and what she is wearing. The mise-en-scene of the cover image, clothes wise little boots is wearing a very festival/clubbing outfit which fits with the overall genre of the magazine. Also, the bright colours she is wearing and the different animal prints could show she likes being outside which links with festivals again. The make-up used on the cover image is very bronzy and peachy look which gives the effect that little boots has been on holiday and suntanned. This again fits with genre of festival music and being outside. The setting of the cover image is on grass which gives the effect that little boots is at her festival. The cultural codes which the mise-en-scene are very firery, festival loving and this is shown through little boots as her posture is quite casual but also looks like she is in a dance position. The main colours which have been used are reds, oranges and whites. They contribute to the mood of the image as they compliment the colours used in little boots make-up and the overall firery mood of the cover. The image relates to the target audience as little boots is young and a festival lover herself and her main genre of music is dance.
The magazine is called Mixmag this refects the content of the magazine as it suggests the magazine is going to be about club and dance music. This also effects the target audience as the reader aspects to find pages and interviews related to dance and club music. The type face which has been used is bold so it stands out on the page. The titles of the strap lines on the side of the page stand out as they are a different colours and bolder than the rest of the text. This copy has been placed in borders, in the specialised music magazine section. This is important because if the target audience wanted to find out about the latest music events or festivals then they would be drawn to this magazine.

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