Monday 11 October 2010

NME music magazine cover!

The NME music magazine's target audience are young people and people who are into the latest music in the charts. I can tell this by looking at the strap lines which are all related to modern music such as 'The state of music today' shows that the magazine is going to appeal to readers who are into current music today. The main image is of Florence Welch from the the band 'Florence and the machine', the image relates to the music genre of popular, upcoming music as Florence recently won a Brit award for best album which shows she is popular and modern. The image is framed by just having two strap lines either side of the image of Florence by her hair. This has the effect that Florence has the text in her hair and also it draws the reader in to look at her face. The image is also framed as it is a close up head shot of her face which is very eye catching for the target audience of people into modern music.

The mise-en-scene of the cover image are that Florence Welch is dressed very plainly in a white top which matches the same white color of the magazine title. The makeup used on the cover image is quite natural but with smokey eyes which again follows modern fashion which fits with modern music. The overall effect of the mise-en-scene used on the front cover of NME makes the magazine look very professional and polished as all the colors match and the main colors are black and white accept for Florence's flame red hair which stands out and catches your attention. The cues which are brought to mind in terms of culture are glossy celebrities as Florence Welch looks very polished and sleek on the cover in terms of the way her hair is and her clothes. The colors which have been used on the front cover are black and white which fit in the colors of the the cover image, as Florence is wearing a white top and has black smokey makeup. However, Florence's hair is a bright flame red which contrasts with the rest of the color scheme and stands out on the page. The colors contribute to the mood of the cover image by creating a generally sleek look and very simple but effective look. The cover image of Florence Welch relates to the target audience of the NME magazine as she is a popular artist which fits in the theme of the magazine being about popular, upcoming music.

The magazine is called NME which stands for 'New music express' this reflects the content and target audience of the magazine as it is for popular and upcoming music and artists only which means that only readers who are into popular chart music are going to want to read the magazine. Also, the content is reflected by the title as obviously there is only going to be about chart music and popular music artists. The typeface used on the magazine is mostly in bold block capitals to stand out on the page and attract readers. The effect which it has is that it again stands out on the page but also is easier to read so the target audience are more likely to read the strap lines. This copy of NME has been placed in WHsmith in a average A4 size for a magazine, it is important as NME is one of the first music magazines to have the current chart in its content.

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